In addition, the software you choose should have automatic labeling capabilities to simplify the process of managing the large amount of assets and content needed for your brand and to support a personalized multi-channel marketing strategy. Finally, the solution you implement should allow marketers to quickly adapt and participate in these features and then easily distribute them across multiple channels without creating additional content repositories. To provide Omnichannel with the experience, brands use different applications to create content for specific channels, such as social networks and mail marketing. Eliminating such disparate content is critical to the success of a multi-channel digital marketing strategy. Almost universally, marketers agree that reducing the cost of producing and publishing digital content is a priority, as unrelated masses of market technologies create more problems than they can solve. While marketers may find appropriate content in different systems, it may not be possible to reuse the content in bunkers or simply distribute it to departments and channels. In compounding this problem, the creation and storage of such inefficient content leads to further problems with the scalability and adaptation of that content: 34% of experienced marketers claim that it is difficult for them to meet their multi-channel content needs. So, instead of removing more miles from each content, marketing teams spend more money on creating and buying new assets for each campaign, forgetting that they already have assets that can work. Without the ability to quickly search, manage and reuse content from one point of contact to another, marketers can spend more time and money on their marketing strategies. After all, even content centralized in CMS or DAM can be difficult to find if the software does not provide powerful marking, metadata and indexing capabilities, let alone powerful APIs that can extract content and data from the rest of your Martech stack. Reusable, channel-independent and easy-to-deploy content is essential for the internal marketing of the Omnichannel brand at all points of contact. To meet the demand for multi-channel content, the same brands have integrated various cloud storage solutions, remote agencies and publishing tools. Our experience shows that the solution is not to completely abandon the strategy of the best in each of us, but to combine these technologies with the central content center. Issue: 42% of marketers say their companies have not purchased the right technology for enterprise-wide content management, and 58% out of 58% say they are using it to realize their potential. When digital assets are distributed in this way, they are often only used once because different services do not have access to content.
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