Fan of the Week contest, open questions, and what we’re going to talk about today: trivia! At the word “trivia,” I thought of the board game Trivial Pursuit and how bad I am at it. Trivial Pursuit games on social media are good because they not only make your brain work, but they give you a sense of pride when you get the right answer, even if it was just a guess. What can we take from this, other than my inability to answer quiz questions? People find quizzes interesting. You can make the page whatever you want it to be: with images, animations, videos – there are lots of ways to get your fans talking about it. Contests are a great way to learn more about your brand. Even if it’s not an app like HQ, you as a brand can use trivia and your popularity to connect with your fans. Trivia games are getting more and more popular as they age and are popping up everywhere from bar events to apps that you can play with your friends. Ask as many questions as you want, but make sure the quiz is short enough to keep your fans from getting bored. If you choose a text quiz, you can add more options, although I personally like images better. Add an extra level to your quiz by including a contest. You can make it so that you only get a prize for participation, or you can just require correct answers. Why not create a full experience for your fans? Move them to a microsite where you can control the process. There are many ways for a brand to connect with its fans. For those wondering: right now it’s still snowing in Oakland County, but we’ve already had 4″ of snow.
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