Aaron Orendorff – Aaron Orendorff founder of iconiContent

Aaron Orendorff, founder of iconiContent, an innovative provider of high-quality content that plays an important role in a company’s marketing strategy, is a productive author of established and emerging digital marketing issues. What many people forget is how crazy it is to know how many people give you their information to share, download, a simplified version or just a PDF of the website they’re on, as long as the content itself is valuable. It is much more important to understand the relationship between these keywords and their business value and the volume they can generate in relation to the number of raw traffic to something like the blog or even just the website. Many people invest a lot of effort and money in good content, especially in visuals, videos and interactive tools. There is a huge separation between the funnel and the content, content marketing and writing, especially how it fits into the funnel. You have to give practical advice, concrete data, achievable steps and examples that give you visual life, so someone says, “Oh, I see. It’s like examining the contents of the box and putting money in it and then going out or never looking at it again. You need to understand which keywords to focus on and create content so it can be viewed on the first page. Part of learning from the Artificial Intelligence machine will automatically generate a contribution for you, but I haven’t seen a legitimate return on the investment of bad content in a space where you can make money. Join thousands of colleagues and get the latest information on reputation management, branding, search engine optimization, customer satisfaction and more. It’s crazy for me to see people pay for everything that lies ahead and then neglect the super hardcore for what happens next. Find out how and why content marketing can change your business. Reputation.com helps companies improve their online brands and increase the positive response of customers. Ninety percent of this information must come from case studies you’ve already written or from conversations with customers you’ve had. You can do some very bad things and get this endorphin kick, but it doesn’t really make a difference to your end result.

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Steven has over 12 years of internet experience, from design, to programming to internet marketing. It's his background in branding and marketing that led him to the path of protecting his clients reputation online, a specialized field that he has received years of training. When he is not researching the latest online marketing trends, you can find Austin meeting with clients and working to deliver businesses the results they need.