The option to be as specific or as broad as you want with themes, thematic groups and tags allows you to optimize your content workflow according to your needs. As you build more and more tags into your Scoop. themes, you get used to finding the right content in your themes by going directly to the filter icon in the upper right corner of your Scoop. it. it. it. it. it. it. it. it. it. These names are not wide enough to guarantee your own theme pages, but if you have stored hundreds or even thousands of content in the future, they will help you find exactly what you’re looking for. Finally, if you develop the themes of your content curation, you can determine for each individual what theme they belong to. You can use the three-line menu icon in Target to select the element to which this content element belongs. When your topics are ready, you can follow all our tips on how to discover and save Scoop’s content. Content preservation is therefore an integral part of your daily workflow. And if you think there’s a hole in your conservation content and you don’t find what you’re looking for, it’s a sign that more quality content can be added to your themes or that you can create completely new ones. Each Scoop theme can also serve as a content hub and adapt to your most relevant and quality content on a theme. Even if your topics are very specific and limited, tags are very useful to emphasize the orientation of any content you organize. When you activate Direct Link, you can share content with your social channels without making a link to your blog, click Add group to create a new thematic group from scratch. Each time you collect a content item, you can check with whom you want to share it. With the features explained in this guide, you can organize an original and preserved content database to work with all your teams, regardless of the size of your company. From there, you can choose whether to record content as usual or share it on social media. For example, if you are a marketing agency with a video marketing theme, your tags can be on that theme: film crews, YouTube, video research and social video. If you are working on a specific topic, simply click on the Subject Settings button in the top bar and select the topic group on the left.
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