Republishing Blog – Keep the original URL and publish an

Keep the original URL and publish an updated message with a new URL if the original message receives too much organic search traffic and the information is reasonably up to date. In our original reprint article, Michele shared this article, Editorial Calendar Tips, Tools and Templates, as an example of original messages with high search traffic. In 2018, we did it the first working day after Content Marketing World 2018 and we redirected the original message. I wrote a new article about the content of the calendar and redirected the outdated original message. Add an editorial note at the top of the original URL to redirect users to a newer version of the message if they wish. Michele Linn has written a post explaining the 2017 relaunch strategy, which is still alive and attracting traffic, but less than before. In 2017, we republished an updated version with “Back by Popular Demand” on the cover, a new title and an editorial note stating that previous versions existed in previous years. Above, an editorial note has been added to explain that this is a new article published with the same content. Even if we add the brightest new suggestions, field examples and “10x” content, SERP-URL always shows the original publication date. Three articles of our new content, published in April, quickly paved the way for the “current hit” widget, which shows the most popular articles of the last three months. Sometimes we keep an older article alive, even if we release a new version.

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Steven has over 12 years of internet experience, from design, to programming to internet marketing. It's his background in branding and marketing that led him to the path of protecting his clients reputation online, a specialized field that he has received years of training. When he is not researching the latest online marketing trends, you can find Austin meeting with clients and working to deliver businesses the results they need.