Berrak Sarikaya – It is important that brands encourage

It is important that brands encourage their employees to believe in the brand and the unique voice of the brand, and then report on life in the company and their own unique experiences. If this unique voice is difficult to identify, it is important to go back to the substance of the brand and its values to find out why this voice may be absent and what parts are missing. It’s not so much about having a unique voice for yourself, but about showing the brand values and what makes it different. About two years ago, in an effort to be more complete and integrated, I joined an agency and started working with companies and B2B corporations in the areas of content strategy and digital marketing. Berrak Sarikaya is a content strategist and digital marketing specialist who has created a unique voice that integrates the personal and the professional. Most companies do not prevent their employees from talking about the brand on their own social media sites, but do not actively encourage them to share enough. can help your brand use its unique voice to strengthen its online reputation. I took a break from social media for several reasons, both because of this ebb and flow and other personal or professional issues, so this was part of it for me too. It’s not just about injecting personality; it won’t solve the problems that exist with the brand’s overall message or the way it’s positioned in the marketplace. When employees communicate something, it is valuable that they do so with their own voice and that they have that voice so as not to give the impression that they are only the spokesperson for the brand. This audience will always come back to you because you deal with them in an authentic way and communicate in a way that fits your brand’s voice but also meets their needs. When I left this position, I took the opportunity to deepen my work as a freelancer, focusing on creating, managing and publishing social media content. Brands need to remember that it’s not about what they think their audience wants to hear, but about listening to their audience better and finding out what they really want. As a Turkish-American, I’ve talked about politics from that perspective, and at times it’s been discouraging for some people and has caused a tidal wave of ebb and flow for people who want to interact with me.

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Steven has over 12 years of internet experience, from design, to programming to internet marketing. It's his background in branding and marketing that led him to the path of protecting his clients reputation online, a specialized field that he has received years of training. When he is not researching the latest online marketing trends, you can find Austin meeting with clients and working to deliver businesses the results they need.